Northeast Division

  • Colors: Auto-Train White, Red, and Purple

  • States:  CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, NH, NY, NJ, PA, QC, and Europe

Home to about 12% of our membership the northeast was the source of the majority of our passenger traffic and the destination of our citrus and forest products traffic. Pennsylvania Station and its attendant Sunnyside Yard was the northern home of the Champions, Silver Meteor, Silver Star, Florida Special, and other noted passenger trains. DC of course was home to Washington Union Station, a key point on these passenger routes. In selecting a color scheme for this division we selected the bold 70’s colors of Auto-Train Corporation which operated in partnership with the SCL and implemented a 1960’s Federal DOT study for an auto ferry service that involved the ACL and our northern partner, the Pennsylvania.

Division Leadership Team

+ Kevin Jones

  • Residence: Poughkeepsie, NY
  • Duties: TBD
  • Expertise: Events
  • Railroad Employment: NJT

Planned Meetings

None at this time