Membership — ACL & SAL Railroads Historical Society


Memberships in the ACL & SAL Railroads Historical Society begin with the next quarter after we receive payment. Members are entitled to four (4) quarterly issues of Lines South, our publication, and other perks and events during their membership year. (Sample issues of Lines South are available for viewing on our Publications page.)

Why not join us and enjoy the fun? Memberships start at just $50.00 per year.


Or, print and mail a paper membership form.
Or, renew via PayPal.

If you are purchasing a new membership or renewing online through our online store, please read the following first.

When renewing membership, or purchasing for the first time, do not, repeat DO NOT combine this action with the purchase of anything from the store. The system will not allow you to do this, and you will get frustrated and agitated.

The reason? Store items must factor in mailing costs and taxes, which are included for Lines South in your membership price, and the system cannot combine these disparate transactions when only certain items in the order require separate shipping calculations.

Therefore, a membership purchase must be a standalone transaction. Once complete, then reenter the store to purchase any combination of merchandise items as a separate transaction.

This also applies to any events, such as our annual meeting. Any event must be purchased as a standalone action and not combined with membership or store items.