PayPal Instructions

  1. Log on to your PayPal account and click on "send money."

  2. Use for the email address to which you are sending the money.

  3. In the message area, list the items you want to order including item name, catalog number, price each, and quantity wanted. 

  4. Then, add correct shipping according to our current postage/shipping fees: 

    • 1 item $7; 2 items, $10; 3 & up $1 additional per item, up to $13 maximum. UPS is additional, contact us first.  

  5. Florida residents must add 7% sales tax.   

  6. Add all product costs and shipping, then add tax if applicable, for the grand total amount due.

  7. Be sure to include your mailing address, email address, and phone number.

  8. Click on "send payment."